Raleigh Mountain range

Is Relationship Reset right for us?

Relationship Reset retreats are for those couples who need change and progress quickly. Whether you are in a crisis situation or are in a happy healthy relationship and just wish to address some target areas for growth, Relationship Reset is a great way to make progress, faster.  

*Relationship Reset is not appropriate for those couples who are experiencing violence, an on-going affair, or untreated addiction.

Shelly offers a free consult to help determine if this is the best option for your relationship.

Each Relationsip Reset Includes:

  • A pre-therapy call that helps each partner feel prepared for the sessions, including a 30-minute consultation for each partner

  • Access for each partner to The Gottman Relationship Checkup. A powerful online assessment tool designed to highlight a couple’s strengths and weaknesses and help them succeed.

  • Interpretation & analyzation of the Gottman Relationship Checkup results by Shelly prior to the Relationship Reset

  • 6 hours of intensive therapy on day one (4 hours per day on Days 2 & 3) for a total of 14 hours of therapy

  • In-session assessment and interventions based on Gottman Method Couples Therapy and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy

  • A personalized follow-up plan that helps couples build on the progress made in their couple’s therapy

  • Take-home tools and interventions to assist you in continuing the progress and change made during the therapy

  • Gottman relationship tool-kit

  • A free best-selling relationship book hand-selected by Shelly specifically to target the areas of growth most needed in your relationship

  • I provide one-(existing clients only), two-, and three-day Relationship Resets that are custom-designed for each couple


$2275 (One-day)

$3575 (Two-day)

$4875 (Three-day) Raleigh

$5875 Asheville

Weekends are an additional $500/day

Customized Retreat Process

Pick Location and Date

Step 1: Pick Location & Date

Intake Forms

Step 2:  Intake forms and relationship questionnaire

Individual Phone Calls

Step 3: Individual private phone calls with Shelly

2 or 3 Day Retreat

Step 4: 2 or 3 day retreat customized for you!

Customized Couple's Plan

Step 5: Customized plan for change & take-home tools | Follow-up Appointment (in-person or virtual)

Couple Hugging on Hike

Sample Schedule

This sample schedule will give you an idea of what your customized retreat can look like and many of the topics we cover.  Keep in mind that I will customize the retreat with the target goals for your relationship.

    • Welcome and initial couples’ session to review goals for the intensive.

    • Individual Session with Partner #1.

    • Individual Session with Partner #2

    • Lunch Break

    • Review the Gottman Relationship Checkup Assessment, including areas of strength and growth in the relationship.

    • Develop a structure for discussing progress and problem areas in the relationship so you can reach your goals together.

    • Begin the day with increasing your friendship by practicing building love maps, fondness and admiration and turning towards one another.

    • Identify conflict areas and underlying dreams, values and goals that maintain gridlock in the relationship.

    • Begin to address conflict management styles and learn new strategies and tools that deepen connection and de-escalate conflict.

    • Begin a deep dive into understanding yourself and your partners behaviors, thoughts and feelings that create negative patterns in the relationship.

    • Continue building friendship by developing rituals of connection, practicing stress reducing strategies and enhancing sexual intimacy.

    • Practice compromise and accepting influence strategies.

    • Explore relationship goals and begin creating shared meaning.

    • Develop a plan for maintaining the progress made during your intensive. 

**Remember, your intensive will be custom-designed for you and your partner!

Ready to get started?

I am happy to discuss with you any and all questions you have regarding the retreats that I offer.